4.27.2022 – Huber Annual Meeting Minutes

2022.04.27.Huber.Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of The General Membership of the
Huber Airpark Homeowners’ Association

April 27, 2022

Call to Order: The annual meeting of the General Membership of the Huber Airpark Homeowners’ Association was held at 597 Beechcraft Lane, Seguin, Texas, 78155, pursuant to call by the Board of Directors.

Directors Present: Randy Starbuck, Derrick Smith, Joe Power, Gordon Schroeder

Directors Absent: Tim Hennessee

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.

Introduction and Opening Remarks: The members of the Board of Directors (BOD) were introduced. Randy Starbuck chaired the meeting and asked lot owners to complete the sign-in and contact information sheets. He also reminded members that most Huber HOA business is conducted using e-mail and emphasized the need to keep property owner contact information updated with Kim Demore at Veracity Aviation.

Financial Report: Derrick Smith presented the financial report. A copy of the financial statement and balance sheet were presented and will be kept on file at Veracity Aviation. The bottom line: As of April 12, 2022, the HOA has about $91K in the bank –
we’ve saved nearly $50K for long-term capital improvements.

New Business:

  • Instrument Approach. Because the FAA (AC 150/5300-13, Change 8) requires a 75-foot minimum runway width for an FAA certified instrument approach procedure (IAP) and our runway is 50-feet wide, the Huber Airpark IAP proposal was tabled.
  • Runway Lighting. The added light pollution from the over 2,400 new homes in subdivisions on all four sides of Huber Air Park will make our already inadequate runway lighting ineffective. The BOD acquired some surplus lighting fixtures, a constant current regulator, two precision approach path indicator systems, and a tower for our beacon, and pilot-controlled lighting antenna from the Elk City, Oklahoma airport. The estimated cost of repurposing the Elk City lighting system is $71,000. We agreed to obtain an estimate for an all new light-emitting diode (LED) runway lighting system.
  • Runway Preservation. We have already purchased and spread crushed asphalt on the shoulders of our runway. The crushed asphalt should reduce the deterioration of the runway edges. We’ve also received an estimate to crack seal and topcoat the runway with FAA specification Grip-Flex Micro-Surfacing. The estimate to crack-seal and topcoat the runway is $100K. The cost for this in 2012 was $124,580.57. It’s possible, the $100K estimate is low.
  • Security. With the proposed 2,400+ homes encroaching on the perimeters of the airpark, there is an obvious need for fencing the airpark. The estimate for a five-foot, ranch-style wire fence, “T” posts, and topped with one strand of barbed wire for the perimeter of the airpark with a single remote operated gate is $80K.
  • Slab/Metal Building. The runway lighting system, airfield beacon tower, and select electrical components will require a concrete slab and building. The proposed metal building and slab will be constructed on lot 18 which is an HOA-owned “unbuildable” lot in the center of the airport. The estimated cost for the slab, building, and electric meter is $10K.
  • Summary:
             o Upgraded runway shoulders                 $ 5,000
             o Upgraded Runway lights                       $ 71,000
             o Runway crack seal and topcoat     $ 100,000
             o Fencing and gate                                        $ 80,000
             o Slab and metal building                         $ 10,000

Sub-total                                                                          $ 266,000
From Capital Improvement Escrow                   $ 41,000

Estimated needed assessment                        $ 225,000

Special Assessment. A motion to request a one-time assessment of $7,500 per lot passed. In the coming days, property owners will be canvassed to obtain the required majority for the assessment.

Election of Directors: Randy Starbuck, Derrick Smith, Joe Power, Gordon Schroeder, and Todd Walker were elected to serve one-year terms on the board of directors.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.